Trusted by world-class enterprises to enhance efficiency and productivity across all industries.
“Medical writing automation ultimately allocates more funding toward actual trials and finding more cures for patients.”
Narrativa helps automate large portions of regulatory documentation, specifically Patient Safety Narratives, TLFs (Tables, Listings, and Figures) and Cross-Reporting, so that the BAML team improves the time and cost efficiency of the reporting process.
Len Rosenberg
Head, Clinical Operations / Beat AML

“Medical writing automation ultimately allocates more funding toward actual trials and finding more cures for patients.”
Narrativa helps automate large portions of regulatory documentation, specifically Patient Safety Narratives, TLFs (Tables, Listings, and Figures) and Cross-Reporting, so that the BAML team improves the time and cost efficiency of the reporting process.
Len Rosenberg
Head, Clinical Operations / Beat AML

“AI focuses on the ‘what.’ Journalists on the ‘why.’”
The Wall Street Journal, one of the most influential newspapers in the world, is now using Narrativa’s Natural Language Generation (NLG) services to automate its news. Alyssa Zeisler, R&D editor at The Wall Street Journal, revealed on Medium how they use our artificial intelligence system and the benefits this brings to their digital strategy.
Alyssa Zeisler
R&D editor

“AI focuses on the ‘what.’ Journalists on the ‘why’”
The Wall Street Journal, one of the most influential newspapers in the world, is now using Narrativa’s Natural Language Generation (NLG) services to automate its news. Alyssa Zeisler, R&D editor at The Wall Street Journal, revealed on Medium how they use our artificial intelligence system and the benefits this brings to their digital strategy.
Alyssa Zeisler
R&D editor

“Automated content generation will continue to support corporate content creation.“
Some topics such as meteorology updates or financial news do not require very elaborate or creative text. With these topics, natural language generation has helped us to pre-write simple content and free journalists up for other more complex and analytical writing assignments. We’ve improved news production times by allowing reporters more time to investigate and write articles
Marcos Stupenengo
VP. Business Development